What school nursing provides
The school nursing teams work with children, families, schools, and other agencies to support the health and wellbeing of school-age children across Dorset. Every school in Dorset has a named school nurse, who maintains regular contact with their school to promote healthy lifestyles and offer practical advice, information, and support.
The team has links with other health professionals including community paediatricians, health visitors, GPs and speech and language therapists.
School nursing teams have a public health role in working with school aged children and their families, aiming to promote health and wellbeing. The team encourages healthier lifestyles and provide information, advice and support to children and their families including:
- health screening and assessments
- vaccinations
- healthy eating, weight management and physical activity advice
- emotional health & well-being support
- bed-wetting (enuresis) clinics
- 1:1 appointment with young people
- referrals and/or signposting to other services.
- ChatHealth text messaging service
- Parentline 5-19 text messaging service
- support around safeguarding/child protection issues.
To learn more about the school nursing team, head to their website: https://www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk/school-nursing
ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service that enables children and young people (aged 11-19) in Dorset to send questions via text message to their school nursing team. They will then receive a reply that includes signposting to additional services.
The service is available Monday to Friday between 8.30am-4.30pm. This includes school holidays but not bank holidays.
ParentLine confidential text messaging service
ParentLine is a confidential text messaging service providing parents and carers of 5-19 year olds in Dorset a way to seek advice from our school nursing team about their child's health and development via text message.
ParentLine is not an emergency service, for urgent medical attention contact your GP, 111 or 999.