Curriculum Overview

For more information relating to the curriculum, please contact Mr D Hurley, Deputy Headteacher, via Mrs S O’Mahony, PA to the Headteacher at


At St Edward’s we offer a knowledge rich curriculum which aims to develop confident, independent, life long learners who are equipped to succeed in which ever pathway they choose to follow. 

Our Intent is based on 6 key principles which underpin the design of our curriculum to ensure that it: 

  • Reflects our identity as a Christian school insofar as it aims to broadly educate students as people, in preparation for a life that is successful, happy and healthy 
  • Seeks to form resilient young people who understand how to learn; who are self-motivated, and curious to know more; and who see mistakes as an opportunity to grow in learning 
  • Has a moral purpose, setting high expectations of every student; enabling students to evaluate, to empathise, and to make strong and safe decisions 
  • Values creativity, and sees all disciplines as contributing equally to the formation of children and young people 
  • Embeds the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for adult life and future opportunity, and intentionally provides for such wider learning; providing flexibility to enable individuals to achieve 
  • Turns each student’s awareness, curiosity and compassion outwards, beyond school, beyond Poole, beyond the immediate. 

At St Edward’s, we also want our students to become deeper thinkers, and reflective learners; and to have enhanced cultural understanding. This is achieved through interdisciplinary links across the curriculum, where we enable our students to make connections between ideas and concepts, allowing them to apply knowledge they have learned in one area into another as a way of deepening their learning experience. 

We recognise that the curriculum goes well beyond the subject knowledge and skills delivered in lessons, and we strive to support the development of the whole person through our enrichment and super curriculum, which supports the development of confidence, self-esteem, and leadership skills through a range of opportunities in sport, performing arts, technology or STEM subjects.


One of our core aims is for the curriculum to develop a well-rounded young person.  Students leaving St Edward’s are enriched, resilient, curious, lifelong learners who are confident in who they are, and can connect with others (Unity), overcome barriers to succeed in the world they move into (Achievement), and believe in the limitless potential of themselves and God (Faith) 

Students consistently secure high outcomes across all key stages and are fully prepared for life after St Edward’s, be it at University, further training or employment. 

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 our students all study the following subjects over a two week period. There are discrete individual programmes in place to enable students who need SEND provision to be supported.

Subjects Lessons
Art 2
Computer Science 1
Design & Technology 4
Drama 1
English 7
Geography 3
History 3
Mathematics 7
Modern Foreign Languages (French or German) 5
Music 2
PE 4
RE 4
Science 7
Total lessons in a two week period 50


Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 our students will all continue to study the core curriculum with the opportunity to select 3 option choices which they will continue into Year 11.

Subject Lessons
English Language & Literature 8
Mathematics 7
Science (Combined) 9
RE 4
PE 2
Modern Foreign Languages (French or German) 5
Option 1* 5
Option 2* 5
Option 3* 5
Total lessons in a two week period 50

*Three options can be taken from the following list:

Art, Additional Literacy, Additional Numeracy, Business Studies, Personal & Social Development, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, French, Food and Nutrition, Food L1, Geography, German, Graphics, History, GCSE Music, BTEC Music, OCR Sport, PE Studies, Resistant Materials, Triple Science. 

KS4 Pathways

At the end of KS3 students are guided and supported in making their KS4 pathway choices, with the aim of ensuring the subjects they chose to study are of interest, are appropriate and support with their future career decisions. 

For English, Mathematics, Science and Religious Education – Students are placed into ability groups based on KS2 SATS and the results of internal assessments in Year 7, 8 and 9.  Each subject has the ability to control its own setting arrangements. 

In Physical Education, students are given choices about which sports they would like to specialise in and pathways are set up accordingly. 

In a small number of cases, pathways will be personalised to ensure individual students can make good or better progress.

Key Stage 5

At Key Stage 5 option blocks are created in response to student demand with each subject being taught over 9 hours per fortnight.  Most students take three subjects and are able to take the EPQ alongside their chosen subject.

Subjects can be chosen from the list below: 

Art, Biology, Business Studies, BTEC Music, Chemistry, Computer Science, Drama, Engineering, English Language, English Literature, French, Further Mathematics, Geography, German, Government and Politics, Health & Social Care, History, Mathematics, Music, OCR Sport, PE Studies, OCR Sport (Single and Double), Product Design, Psychology, Physics, Religious Education and Sociology.


Students are offered the opportunity to complete an Extended Project, online learning modules (MOOCs) and PE activities on a Wednesday afternoon Week B. 

Personal Enquiry: All students are expected to attend Personal Enquiry lessons. It provides an opportunity for students to continue on their individual faith journeys.

PSHE: All students spend one hour per fortnight with their tutor, undertaking personal development opportunities including planning for their future career pathway.