At St Edward’s School, we firmly believe that each and every member of the community is involved in the work of chaplaincy, since everyone is involved in supporting the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of one another. The work of chaplaincy is driven by a number of key people; both from the staff and from our local Roman Catholic and Church of England parishes.

Our key purposes include:

  • to put Christ at the centre of the School’s mission. 

  • to promote and support the spiritual development of the whole school community. 

  • to encourage and enable students to be active in promoting the spiritual life of the school. 

  • to plan for the worship life of the school and evaluate the acts of worship. 

  • to encourage students to participate in the worship life of the school. 

  • to reflect on the chaplaincy needs, linking with the pastoral support teams in the school, looking for new and effective ways of working. 

  • to make and promote links with parishes and youth workers.

Relationships with local churches 

As an ecumenical school we work closely with a range of local Christian communities. Our Mission Statement calls us to unity, and we recognize that our school, with our 1,000 students, has children who are members of a wide range of Christian communities. We welcome all Christian ministers to work with us in proclaiming the Gospel in St. Edward’s school.

Youth workers and clergy from Church communities helping us in our work. Such work ranges from assisting with retreats, liturgical worship; religious education lessons, and counselling/mentoring. We welcome such support from Church communities and organisations.

A Student Chaplaincy team support with the planning, delivery and evaluation of our chaplaincy provision; their contribution is invaluable.

St. Edward’s students attend retreats in various local Churches throughout the year, and we welcome ministers to bless the school at the start of every year.

If you are interested in involving St. Edward’s more deeply in your community, or would like to work with us in our mission, we would love to talk to you. Please email Shirley O’Mahony, Executive PA on for further information.