"My commandment is this - Love one another just as I love you" John 15:12

Mission Statement


in purpose - educating for life in all its fullness

in faith - encountering God who lives among us, calling us to unity

in dignity - nurturing confidence and maturity

in community - striving together for justice, love and peace

Working Together Towards Christian Unity

As a joint church school, we aim to be a vibrant, dynamic, outstandingly successful and happy learning community supported by a strong Christian ethos where everyone feels valued and where opportunities for engagement allow gifts and talents to be developed to the fullest extent for all.


At St Edward’s, the mission and ethos of Christian education underpins all that the school does.  There is a strong ethos of inclusion and equality of opportunity which underpins excellent care, guidance and support.  Students make a positive contribution to the Christian life of the school and are enriched as people because of it.  Students are reflective and enquiring and appreciative of the importance of religious belief and spiritual values.  This attitude of openness helps underpin the effectiveness of the school as an ecumenical community.