Has your child been accepted to join St Edward's? Visit our New Parent Information page to review policies and information.

Choosing where to apply for a secondary school is a significant decision and we are delighted that you are thinking of applying to St Edward’s School. We are renowned for our ability to secure top academic outcomes for our students, and combine this with our strong Christian ethos and outstanding pastoral care.

As a joint church school between the Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth and the Church of England Diocese of Salisbury, we are committed to preparing all of the students in our dioceses and community to live life to the full through our virtues of faith, unity and achievement.


When and how should I apply?

If your child is due to transfer to secondary school in September 2025, you can apply from 1 September until 31 October 2024. There is no benefit to applying early as no applications are ranked until after the closing date. Should you apply after 31 October, your application will not be ranked until after National Offer Day, which is 1 March 2025.

The Coordinated Admission Scheme details for 2025-26 from BCP Council will be published on the BCP School Admissions website here.

What is a Supplementary Information Form?

If you are applying under faith grounds, you need to also complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). Previous forms for former church schools your child may have attended do not apply for St Edward’s. Please note that we cannot accept any supporting letters in lieu of a SIF. If your child was baptised outside of the UK, we would recommend submitting a copy of their baptismal certificate at the same time as the SIF to avoid any delays or queries. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the SIF has been completed correctly and that the school will not be able to assist you in its completion.

SIF form for September 2025 Admissions: SIF Form 2025-26

SIF form for in-year 2024-25 Admissions: SIF Form 2024-25

How many children can attend St Edward’s in Year 7?

The Published Admissions Number for 2025-26 is 182. On average, St Edward’s receives between 600-650 applications for those 182 places each year. Once the application window has closed, these are then ranked according to our Admissions Policy in the following order:

  1. Looked After, or Previously Looked After children.
  2. Roman Catholic children who have been baptised and have attended Roman Catholic Church services* at least monthly for the last 12 months as evidenced by completion of the St Edward’s VA Supplementary Information Form.
  3. Church of England children who have been baptised or have had a service of thanksgiving and have attended Church of England church services* at least monthly for the last 12 months as evidenced by completion of the St Edward’s VA Supplementary Information Form.
  4. Children who are members of churches which are a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland as stated on the CTBI website ctbi.org.uk/member-churches (including Baptist Union, Methodist, listed Orthodox, listed Pentecostal and United Reformed churches, the Salvation Army and members of the Religious Society of Friends) who meet their Church’s criteria for membership/practice and have attended services* at least monthly for the last 12 months as evidenced by completion of the St Edward’s VA Supplementary Information Form.
  5. Children who meet another Christian Church’s or Faith Community’s criteria for membership/practice as evidenced by completion of the St Edward’s VA Supplementary Information Form.
  6. Children not able to be admitted under categories 1- 5.

*Services are defined as public acts of worship which are open to all.

Tie break: Should the numbers in each category exceed the number of places available for that category the following criteria will be applied to decide who can be admitted:

  1. Children of members of staff who have been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made or who have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
  2. Children who have a sibling who is on roll and attending the school in years 7-13 at the proposed date of admission.
  3. Distance from the school (distance provided by BCP School Admissions)

Can I secure a place at St Edward’s if I don’t go to church?

For 2024-25 applicants, the furthest Category 6 application that gained a place was 0.612 miles.

If your child holds an Education, Health and Care Plan, we ask that you please contact our SENCo prior to application.

When do I find out my child’s school place?

National Allocation Day is 1st March 2025. From 10am on this day, you will be able view your child’s offered school and you will be asked to either accept or decline the offer and you have two weeks from 1st March to do this.

What happens if my child does not get a place at their preferred school?

If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place at a higher preference school, your child’s name will be added to our waiting list, and the position will be determined by the same criteria as above. Therefore, please be aware that your child’s position can move up and down the list if someone later applies that meets a higher criteria. You are welcome to contact our Admissions Manager at any time to ask for your child’s position on the waiting list.

If you are successful in gaining a place at your first preference school, you will not be added to the waiting list at any of your lower preference schools.

Names will only remain on the waiting list for the Year 7 main entry admission cycle after 31 December 2025 if a written request to keep it on the waiting list is received. Waiting lists for all years will then cease on 31 August 2026. If parents wish, they can submit a new application for the following academic year from 1 June 2026. If re-applying on faith grounds a new SIF form will need to be submitted.

In the event that an offer of a place is not made, you have the right to appeal the decision. Please refer to the Appeals section below for further information. Please note that you can only appeal a decision once an academic year and you cannot appeal if you have been offered a higher preference of school for your child.

Please contact admissions@st-edwards.poole.sch.uk if we can help you with any queries.

We are currently consulting on our Admissions Policy for 2026-27. The consultation period runs from 6th December 2024 to 24th January 2025. Please see the below documents for more information.

Supplementary Information Forms (SIF)

Parents are to post or deliver their completed Supplementary Information Forms to Admissions at the school either via school reception, who will provide you with a receipt, or via email to admissions@st-edwards.poole.sch.uk If you choose to post your SIF to the school, we highly recommend that you use Special Delivery in order to guarantee its safe arrival as we cannot be held responsible for any forms that may be lost in transit.

SIFs are available to download above and hard copies are available from the school office. For translated versions in either Polish or Malayalam, please email admissions@st-edwards.poole.sch.uk.

Waiting Lists

Where waiting lists are held, BCP Council will ensure any places that become available are offered in accordance with the oversubscription criteria within the published admissions policy of the school.

Waiting lists expire on the 31 August each year. Parents and carers must submit a new application if they wish their child to remain on the waiting list for the next academic year. Applications for a new waiting list can be submitted from 1 June each year.

Moving schools or require further information?

If you would like to apply for a place mid-year or require further information on Admissions for Years 7-11, please contact our Admissions Department on 01202 740950 or admissions@st-edwards.poole.sch.uk

Alternatively you can visit the BCP website at www.bcpcouncil.gov.uk or contact School Admissions on 01202 123222 or email school.admissions@bcpcouncil.gov.uk