How we can help you...

At St Edward’s School, we are committed to supporting the wellbeing and resilience of all students. We hope that in partnership with you we can form strong and emotionally courageous young people. This includes many aspects of life including physical health and mental health as well as social, emotional and spiritual well-being.

We support our young people with compassion and without prejudice to:

• Develop confidence and master resilience
• Understand the evolving challenges of growing up in our society
• Foster supportive relationships with others so that they feel safe and nurtured – this is crucial to the holistic development of all children
• Modelling good emotional literacy (naming our feelings)

Who can help?

All staff are committed to developing healthy minds and safeguard student wellbeing. For a full list of the support available in school, see our Wellbeing Contacts section, below.

We aim to meet wellbeing issues by promoting resilience/self-referral for support and offering Early Help. If this is not effective, we seek targeted support from our partner agencies when we cannot meet need.

The SHARP System: Visit our Report A Concern page for more details about reporting issues anonymously.


Wellbeing Contacts

Who do I contact at the school for help with my child's wellbeing?


Your child's Tutor is the first person they see each morning and every day. They are a great first point of contact.

Engagement Support Workers (ESW)

Each year group has an assigned Engagement Support Worker; they can support the day-to-day needs of your child.

  • Year 6 and 7: Miss Becky Sim & Mrs Hannah Drumm
  • Year 8 and 9: Mr Marcus Hanna 
  • Year 10 and 11: Mrs Karen Lord

Chaplaincy and Youth Work Team

Our Chaplaincy Team supports the spiritual wellbeing of our students

  • Father James
  • Harry Vincent
  • Rob Salas

Year Leaders

Each year group has a Year Leader who oversees the pastoral progress of your child.

  • Year 7: Mrs Collette Morgan 
  • Year 8: Mrs Laura Newton 
  • Year 9: Miss Katy Perks
  • Year 10: Mr Matthew Cockwell
  • Year 11: Mr Luke Kemish 
  • Year 12: Mr Alex Kelly
  • Year 13: Mr Andy Elliot

Directors of Learning

Each year group has a Director of Learning who oversees the pastoral and academic progress of your child.

  • Years 6, 7 & 8: Mrs Collette Morgan 
  • Years 9, 10 & 11: Mr Luke Kemish 
  • Years 12 & 13: Mr Andy Elliott

Other Contacts

The following staff all keep up-to-date with and implement the current guidance about mental health and continue to raise awareness with our students.

  • Mrs V Pirie: Assistant Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs T Angemi-Knowlton: School Counsellor
  • Mrs S Lee: LAC & Mental Health Manager


If your child's wellbeing is impacting their daily life and additional support is required, considering speaking with our SENCO and check out our SEND page.

  • Mr D Dawson: SENCO