St. Edward’s is a proud member of the De La Salle family of schools

Whilst St. Edward’s is not under the Trusteeship of the De La Salle order, as an Associate school, we are affiliated to, and influenced by the charism of this global community. 

John Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719) gave up his inheritance as a member of a famous Champagne House, in order to dedicate his life to working with young people.  His approach to education sought to understand, and work with, the spirit of a child; realising that a child is only ever a work-in-progress, en route to realising the fulness of their potential in adulthood. 

As a member of this international organisation, we benefit from the spirituality and resources that they offer.  St. Edward’s students have frequent opportunities to participate in retreats at Kintbury, a beautiful youth centre in the middle of Berkshire countryside.  The youth team provide other resources for liturgies and spiritual development used throughout the year in school. 

De La Salle recommended that every member of his school reminded themselves frequently that they are in the Holy Presence of God.  We, as a school, begin prayer and reflection spending a moment to reflect on God’s Presence in and around us.  Through our belonging, we are part of a rich international community, meaning that St. Edward’s is truly a global school, with a heart for young people. 

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