Future Pathways
RE is widely recognised and valued as a rigorous academic subject, but it is much more than that. It provides students with another qualification to help them take their next steps into education, training or employment, but GCSE RE will also help them to explore their own beliefs and values so that they can consider more deeply what direction they want their life to take. It is a subject that will challenge them in many ways and help to prepare them for life in a changing and challenging world.
In the Sixth Form, students can continue their study and the A Level course allows for further exploration of some of the ideas touched upon at GCSE as well as introducing exciting new concepts. The main areas of study are Philosophy of Religion, Religious Ethics and Developments in Christian thought. The A Level is usually very popular with many students opting to study it.
Student Destinations
University of Kent - Philosophy and Religious Studies
King's College London - Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Southampton University - Psychology
Oxford University - Law
Swansea University - Criminology and Criminal Justice
Student Testimonials
“What I most enjoy about RE is learning about how religious beliefs effect how people live their lives.”
Kali, KS3 RE student
“The thing I like most about RE is finding out the reasons why people believe the things that they do.”
Mikaela, KS4 RE student
“RE is one of my favourite subjects because I really enjoy exploring concepts from philosophers that most people have never heard of!”
Quinn, KS5 RE student