St. Edward’s school opened in September 1963, and was at the time a Catholic school within the Diocese of Plymouth. In 1991, dialogue with the Church of England resulted in the launch of the joint Church initiative which continues to this day.

St. Edward’s takes its ecumenical calling and mission seriously, and enjoys strong collaborative relationships with not only Catholic and Anglican parishes, but also with other Christian Church communities.

Whilst safeguarding the respective traditions of the two foundation Churches, St. Edward’s works with all Christians to proclaim the Gospel message to all people in the 21st Century. We welcome students and staff of all faiths and none.

We enjoy wide-ranging support from the Diocese of Plymouth and the Diocese of Salisbury in providing the very best educational environment for all of our students and staff.

What it means to be a church school…

The Christian Church has been a major contributor to public education for many centuries, and was the driving force behind some of the world’s most successful universities and colleges.

The Christian vision of education takes its lead from the teachings of Jesus Christ; and bases academic formation in the context of the development of the whole person. It places strong emphasis on spiritual and moral education alongside the academic formation found in secular schools, in response to Jesus’ statement; “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. (John 10:10).

Covenant Prayer

God Our Father,

in the Name of Christ

and in the power of the Spirit,

we commit ourselves

to you and to one another,

to Work, Learn and Pray

as one Body in Christ;

to do nothing apart

which we can do together,

to serve your purposes

of Justice, Love and Peace.
