As a parent, you know that supporting your child through their academic journey is one of the most important roles you play. Below are 9 tips to help you support your child stay focused, motivated, and confident throughout the term.

Establish a routine – find a pattern that works for your family. There are some further suggestions below on how to establish an effective homelearning routine.

  • Get enough sleep – have a set time for devices to be off or away for a period of time before your child gores to bed
  • Eat the right food
  • Drink enough water
  • Create the right environment to help them study – a quiet place to work isn’t always easy to find, but remember they can access the library at school
  • Take breaks – when doing homelearning regular short breaks, say 5 minutes off every 40 mins
  • Be a sounding board – getting them to try to explain what they are doing to you can help students get the most out of learning.
  • Offer emotional support – young people often have a different set of worries and concerns to adults, but talking them through is often the first step to resolving or coming to terms with them
  • Reward and encourage them

Effective home learning routines

Having a timetable for when revision will be done is good. We always recommend that if a student manages to complete all of their work before the end of the timetabled slot they should do additional consolidation work. They can decide which subject they focus this on but some good ideas for these tasks would typically be:

  • Reading over their exercise book and finishing off incomplete tasks.
  • Researching topics they are studying using the websites suggested below.
  • Reading a book – string literacy skills help in many areas of the curriculum.

Additional Resources

Your child’s classroom teacher will give them regular feedback in order to help them develop, however here are some useful websites to support your child’s learning away from the classroom in addition to the home learning assignments provided by the teachers.

KS3 Bitesize (BBC) for all subjects Talking Points (First News) for literacy and reading
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar | KS3 English | BBC Bitesize Parents' Guide to Maths Home Learning