Parents are responsible for the punctuality and attendance of their sons/daughters, however all students are encouraged to develop their own responsibility to ensure they arrive punctually to registration and lessons. The school assumes responsibility for the students shortly before the first bell rings each day. Punctuality and attendance records are kept in respect of all students.

There are two types of absence recorded in the register:

Authorised Absence

This includes any absence that has been applied for and authorised by the school. For example – illness, medical treatment.

Reporting Illness and Medical Treatment:

On the first day of absence, and on each subsequent day of absence, parents/carers must inform the school by leaving a message on the absence line which can be accessed by calling the main school number – 01202 740950 and following the instructions. Alternatively, parents/carers can email

Requesting Absence During Term Time:

Government regulations from 1 September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any such requests should be made by completing a Leave of Absence Request Form and sending this to the Attendance & Admissions Manager.

Download Leave of Absence Form

Unauthorised Absence

This includes lateness where a student arrives after registration without an acceptable excuse and other absences that have not been applied for or granted permission by the school including truancy.

Prolonged Absence

If a student is absent from school for a prolonged period, we would expect parents to telephone the school on the first, and each subsequent day, of absence. This telephone call should be confirmed with a written note addressed to the Form Tutor when the student returns to school. Set work will be available for the student if appropriate.

Any absence from school that is a cause for concern will be monitored by the Form Tutor, Year Tutor and, if appropriate, the School Education Worker.

Approved Educational Activity

There are occasions when students are offsite but involved in supervised activities related to the school curriculum. For example – work experience, field trips, educational visits, college courses and approved sporting activities. These occasions are counted as present on the school register.

Unexpected Early Closure

On the rare occasions when the school day ends early (e.g. because of severe adverse weather conditions) students may always remain on the school premises until the normal closing time or until they are collected by arrangement with their parents.