In the event that the school has to close
We prioritise the safety of our students and staff at all times. Should there be incidents that pose a risk or danger to the safety of our school community we will take the decision to close the school. This will not be a decision that we take lightly and we will do our utmost to keep the school open when safe to do so.
If the decision is made to close the school, this will be indicated on the Homepage of our school website as soon as the decision has been made. The information will also be available through the local radio station Greatest Hits (South Coast), formerly Wave 105.
The radio station has said that this information might be posted on their website rather than read out ‘on air’ because of the volume of schools which can be affected, for example when there is extreme weather. A list of closed schools will be published on the BCP Council website.
Please rest assured that members of staff will, of course, remain on site while any children are present if the closure takes place during the school day. Please understand that the management of students will need to take into account available staffing.
There are, quite rightly, certain rules/procedures which the Headteacher and Chair of Governors have to follow when making any decision to close the school and the school will endeavour to inform everyone as swiftly as possible. The decision is also one for each school to make individually and the specific circumstances in each school will inevitably mean that schools may announce their decisions at different times.
Please click on the links below for further information and useful tips on how to stay safe and warm if we are encountering severe weather.